
Melancon Line. by Ray Coderre. Used with Permission

This morph of auratus could be considered a ‘Capira Integrade’ but two lines of this morph have been well established in the hobby as ‘camo’ or camouflage’ auratus. 

Melancon Line
In the late 1990s Ian Hiler brought in some typical campana auratus from the Pacific slope of western panama. From these brown and cream colored frogs, some offspring that were brown with green markings were produced by Robb Melancon. Robb coined the name ‘camo kahlua auratus’ and the morph became well established in the hobby. This morph stays smaller than typical campana and shows a pattern of small green (sometimes blue) lines and spots on a light brown background. 

Melancon Line. by Ray Coderre. Used with Permission

See THIS THREAD for a discussion where Robb Melancon and Ian Hiler chime in to clarify the origin of this line of frog, and show photos of the founding stock and F! camo patterend offspring. 

SNDF line
In 2006 Marcus of Simply Natural Dart Frogs brought in some Capira integrades that appeared very similar to the Melancon line Camo auratus and so referred to these new imports as ‘camo morph.’ The frogs sold by JoshsFrogs and Understory Enterprises are from this SNDF line. 

SNDF line via Understory Enterprises. by Kevin Flanders. Used with permission.
SNDF line via Understory Enterprises. by Kevin Flanders. Used with permission.